Friday, January 15, 2010

50 Things - Update

In my last blog post I mentioned that I love lists...  I also have a bad habit of making lists and then not completing the items on said list.  So in the spirit of being a finisher, I am going to highlight some of the items that I have started working on and their progress.

#2  take more pictures - just for this blog alone.  I have my camera with me always and am trying to discipline myself to taking lots of pictures.

#5 run a 5k - for many years now I've wanted to be a runner.  I completed a marathon in 2004, but that was walking.  I'm proud of the accomplishment, but I'd like to be a runner.  The danger, however, is that I like the idea of running just a little bit more than the actual running.  I eventually want to run marathons, so I'd better start small with a 5k.  I've started walking 3 days per week, increasing my speed each time and then I'm going to start the couch to 5k plan from Cool Running.

#6 read the New Testament through once per month for a year - started this 5 days into the month.  Took my Bible (NIV/Message parallel) and divided the number of pages of the New Testament into 30 days.  I read 14 pages each day with a couple of days spare for any misses.  So far so good.

#14 weigh a healthy weight for my height - I've always battled with my weight and so far it's winning, but this is the year that I gain some ground.  My goal is to lose 5 pounds each month and at the end of the year I should be at a healthy weight, give or take a few pounds.  I'm eating sensibly, lots of fruits and vegetables, trying to cut down on sugar and fat and so far so good.  

#19  complete BSF series - BSF - Bible Study Fellowship is a wonderful Bible study that I highly recommend.  The complete series is 8 years and I'm in year 5.  This year we're in the book of John and next year we're scheduled to study Isaiah.

#27 exercise for 30 minutes 5 to 6 days/ week - so far it's 30 minutes 3 days/week.

#29 knit Mike a sweater - he picked the pattern and the wool (grey heather) and I cast on the over 300 stitches for this bad boy.

#34 walk around all the lakes in the Lake District - each year my mom and I visit my grandfather in the north of England.  There is an area called the Lake District with several lakes that are incredibly beautiful.  I want to walk around all of them, or at all the ones that they will allow me to walk around.  I'll probably walk around Rydal Water or Windermere first.

#37 knit 1 square/week each year for KAS - KAS or Knit-a-Square is a group of knitters and crocheters around the world that knit squares to be sewn up into blankets for AIDS orphans in South Africa.  This is an incredibly inspiring story and mission.  If you've ever wanted to learn to knit or crochet, this is the time to try and there is nothing easier than a square.

A Thoughtful Paws from Woody & Ellie

We don't care if you finish your list... we just want to be with you so you can give us treats!

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